Evan Winston

“Approach every assignment as the most important assignment ever” – J.Miles Cary

Two days removed from my 22nd birthday I received the call that I’d been chosen to be a Scripps intern.This meant that 1. I’m got to tell NBC thanks but I’m good for the summer. 2. I got a job outside of Cleveland. No more nagging from mom all summer. (Love you mom.)

Now where am I going?
Florida? (Madison beat me to it)
Texas? (Too hot. Way too hot.)
Indiana? (Too close to home, I want a different region of America)
California? (Yes, California dreamin’, living in the sunshine, and ………. whoa rent is what!?)

Well here I am heading to Knoxville, Tennessee. Ready for a new city, new state, and even a new section of news. I always thought business was boring to report on. I thought it was just all numbers. While numbers are essential, there’s more to it than that.

The people I have come in contact with for the last nine weeks, all tell the stories of why they are in the business they are in today. From Senator Lamar Alexander opposing gas taxes, to the genesis of food trucks in Downtown Knoxville.

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